Naloxone 101

Written By: Nikki Lewis , MPP, MSW Arizona’s Opioid Epidemic Opioid addiction and overdose is a nationwide epidemic, hitting the state of Arizona hardest over the last decade. This issue is not isolated to those experiencing homelessness or abusing illegal substances such as heroin, but spans the state’s population. Overdoses can happen to those experiencing chronic pain who take increasing doses of pain medication, veterans and others coping with the effects of trauma, and young people experimenting with substances. The AZ Department of Health Services (AZDHS) estimates that there have been over 47,000 suspected opioid overdoses in Arizona from June 2017 to July 2020, resulting in approximately 6,500 deaths . In 2017, Governor Doug Ducey declared a public health emergency in response to increasing numbers of fatal overdoses. The emergency declaration urged first responders to learn how to administer and carry naloxone and set in motion a state-wide response to the e...